TX license #B15802101

Access Control Installation

We’re your local security and accessibility specialists.

We’re Ready To Secure Your Offices, Retail Shops, Restaurants, and More.

If you have a commercial building, retail space, restaurant, or multi-unit apartment complex, an access control system can simplify the management and improve the security of your properties. We can install card readers on just a few doors in your office building, or set up building-wide multifactor security that combines cards or prox fobs with biometric features such as fingerprint readers. Digital pin pad and push-button keypad locks are a great alternative to hunting for keys, and electronic door locks can provide security and convenience for employees moving loads of material into or out of secured areas. Touchless access control provides convenient ADA-required access for disabled individuals and also provides added safety for laboratories and other areas where you want to limit physical contact with doors.

Access control comes in many forms: keypad locks (top), electronic access control keycards (middle), and motion-activated automatic doors for accessibility (bottom)

Access control comes in many forms: keypad locks (top), electronic access control systems that use keycards and/or fobs (middle), and motion-activated automatic doors for accessibility (bottom).

At The Key Man San Antonio, our access control security expertise ranges from standalone systems to multidoor, centrally managed access control, and our access control installation provides attractive, tamper-resistant wiring, sensors, and locks. As a general locksmith providing mobile locksmith services to the San Antonio area, we also handle traditional locks from standard door locks to high-security devices, including emergency unlock service and lock repair when needed. As a trusted member of 1-800-Unlocks, experienced, professional, licensed, and certified with over 10 years of experience, you can count on us for expert access control system design and overall lock and key security services. We use quality commercial-grade hardware and parts that we guarantee and warranty. Our emergency locksmith service is available around the clock for unlocks and re-establishing security after lock damage.

Access Control: Security Benefits Combined with Convenience

As your access control specialist, we consider your facility’s security in both everyday and exceptional circumstances, and the convenience of your team operating in the building. For example, employee door entry systems may be combined with video monitoring technology so that visitors can be remotely screened and admitted. Maglock door systems combined with prox fobs and other touchless door access control can block unauthorized access securely while allowing employees to easily push through doors rolling carts or carrying materials without delay. Door buzzer systems add discretionary control to secured areas such as stockrooms, while fingerprint locks identify the person gaining access, rather than just the access cardholder. In either case, the access control system can track the method used to provide levels of accountability, timestamps, and other tracking methods to help resolve any questions about events occurring in a given secured area.

Access Control Installation for New Buildings, Existing Facilities, or Rented Spaces

We can provide a full access control system, basic building access control, or a combination of physical lock and key security and electronic door locks. Let us customize it to meet your situation.

Your Local Access Control System Specialists

The Key Man San Antonio can apply a standard access control system design for your type of facility or customize it to meet your current needs with room to expand and compartmentalize as needed in the future. Our wide variety of access control system features from biometric to token-based or keypad-based provide different levels of security and convenience, with door mechanisms to match. We also provide alarmed exit devices for safe but monitored evacuation when necessary. Contact us and let’s talk about how your commercial property can benefit from a customized access control system.